Go forward to the doorway on the right side of this room.Follow this path until it splits and then turn right again.Once you reach the bottom, go through the door directly ahead and then turn right.From the second Battle Flag, jump down into the nearby cellar.Follow this path until you find the panda sitting at the end of it against a wooden palisade.Run toward it and then take a left into the small alley.

After crossing a wooden bridge and finding a Battle Flag against the outside of a compound's walls and to the right of its doors, face the rubble of the house to your right.After passing the first lantern and just before reaching the second, turn left and then left again to find the panda hiding in some bamboo brush.From the second Battle Flag in the bamboo forest, follow the lit path and pay attention to the lanterns on your left.The panda will be sitting on a small island, chewing on a corpse.Turn left again and continue straight into another room filled with poison.Turn left into the large, lit doorway that leads into a large, central chamber.From the Battle Flag beside the jail door, run down the cave path lit by braziers to the right and past several cells until you reach the end where the path splits.Turn left again to find the panda sitting inside.From the Battle Flag behind the large set of doors, continue ever so slightly down the path to enter the broken home to your left.Jump down between the two of them to find the panda sitting below.Turn right and run along this path until you see two broken stone bridges.Go over the rubble through the broken wall.From the first Battle Flag, turn towards the bridge and then run to the right of it.Turn left again here and then another slight left to see the panda sitting in plain sight near a grid-styled wooden fence.From the second Battle Flag, turn left and run toward a wall of flames until you see a wooden cart leaning against a home.(A Battle Flag can also be found on the floor above this panda.) It is guarded by an enemy that you'll need to dispatch first. Turn right to find the panda inside the building in the center of the floor.On the far left side of the main battlefield area (where you will spend most of your time), climb up onto the ramparts and beware of the enemies that spur to life on the climbable section on your way.The panda will be sitting out in the open at the dead end here.Follow this path up the stairs and then jump the gaps in your way.

There will be a few enemies in the way, and you can choose to either face or run past them. From the first Battle Flag, enter the building to your left and climb the set of stairs (also to your left).Follow it around the corner to see the panda sitting on the far side in front of you.Against the building, you'll see a climbable area that allows you to gain access to a tier of roofing.Late into the map and after you find the Battle Flag just before in the outdoors area with the pavilion, go outside and turn right to wrap around the building.As you see the path begin to curve right ahead of you, look left to keep your eyes peeled for the panda sitting on the small ledge to your left inside a tiny wooden shack.After gaining your second Battle Flag, go down into the bamboo forest.Sub Mission: Shadow of the Sacred Mountain Along your main path and after you pass the small pond area where several siren-like creatures are patrolling, you'll find the panda sitting on the path just up the first set of small stairs.Pass through them and look right to see the panda nestled in the corner.Stop and turn right, looking between two wooden towers against the cliffside.From the first Battle Flag in this area, run straight along the main path through the wooden towers until you near the central gate.Within the leftmost house in this row and against the cliff wall, the panda will be sitting inside the central room with a gathering of barrels and crates around it.After defeating the area's miniboss and passing the patrol of wolves around the gaping chasm, you'll find a row of several houses.The panda is sitting at the campsite, and your companions will draw attention to it for you, making it the easiest panda to find in this list.